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Road to CSSRA Student Stories: Caillen Pieckenhagen ’24

In the lead-up to the 2024 Canadian Secondary Schools Rowing Association (CSSRA) Championships, we are calling on all members of the Ridley rowing family to rally and support our initiative aimed at strengthening our rowing programme and empowering the continued success of our talented student-athletes.

As we embark on this journey, we are excited to showcase the remarkable students whose dedication and passion for rowing fuel our mission. These young athletes, whose training, teamwork and perseverance lie at the heart of this campaign, greatly benefit from your generous support. It is your contributions that turn their dreams into reality, providing essential equipment, world-class facilities and opportunities to compete at the highest levels. Join us in highlighting the stories of these exceptional students and witnessing the profound impact your donations make in their pursuit of excellence on the water. 

Caillen Pieckenhagen ’24 is a Grade 12 rower from Toronto, Ontario.

How did you get into rowing?   

I got into rowing in Grade 10 through the Ridley Rowing program. My dad was an elite rower who spent many years on the national team, and he was the biggest driver in the push for me to row. After COVID, in my Grade 9 year, rowing was fully resumed, and I joined the team. 

What has being a part of Ridley Rowing taught you so far? 

Ridley Rowing has taught me self-discipline. Throughout the years, in order to maintain a competitive nature in the sport, I have to keep increasing the workload, which results in better time management and more discipline, for example, to eat the right way, go to bed earlier, and prioritize my time to give myself more time to row, erg, or lift. 

What do you love most about Ridley Rowing?  

I love the community and team at Ridley. Having great guys beside you on long rows or ergs helps add to the excitement and drive of the season. The trips with Ridley are always fun, and being able to race in other provinces and countries is a huge benefit. 

How has Ridley Rowing helped you achieve your goals?   

Without Ridley Rowing, I wouldn’t have as strong a sense of purpose and a determined goal or path to take in my life. Ridley Rowing has helped me focus my sense of direction, which has helped me grow as a rower. 

What are your future plans/ambitions with rowing after you graduate from Ridley?   

After graduating from Ridley in 2025 (my post-grad year), I would like to continue rowing for the national team as well as a row in the U.S. for a top collegiate school in the IRA. After completing my Grade 12 year this year at Ridley, I would like to aim for the U19 national team and race for Canada at the junior worlds this year. 

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Road to CSSRA Student Stories: Caillen Pieckenhagen ’24