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History & Legacy

The story of Ridley College—one of Canada’s leading, oldest and most prestigious boarding schools—begins in 1888 with the vision of our founding headmaster, J.O. Miller. He believed that we are always in a state of transition and the only way to flourish is to become progressive, global thinkers.

Ridley’s story is more than an institutional history. The story of Canada’s own exciting development is woven into our fabric. Ridley College opened its doors in 1889, initially welcoming students from Canada and across the Atlantic. As decades passed, our school faced the Depression, pandemics, two World Wars, industrialization, and the new technological age. Throughout it all, Ridley remained true to its values and adapted to the needs of the global landscape.

As the millennium turned, Ridley emerged as a vibrant institution, holding fast to its traditions yet constantly forging new strategies to meet modern challenges.

Ridley has always emphasized the highest academic and social standards for its students.

Behind these standards is the constant reminder of the needs of others in the school’s motto: Terar Dum Prosim (May I be Consumed in Service). For more than 130 years, our vision and approach to learning has produced influential leaders in a wide variety of fields. Today, our student body includes some of the most brilliant young minds from around the globe.

Almighty God, by whose grace we are assembled here today;
who has brought us together as members of a family;
we ask that you bless all present members of this school,
and those who have gone out into the wider world.

Grant us good judgement in all things, that we may think
with compassion, and aim for worthy goals.
Teach us to discern the right course,
and give us courage to pursue it,
unswayed by worldly pressures or temptations.

Increase in us moral fidelity, and may your spirit be our constant compass.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Come, fill your glasses up
To Ridley, to Ridley, to Ridley!
Come, fill a loving cup
To Ridley, to Ridley, to Ridley!
Here's to the place we love;
May we ever loyal prove;
Come, fill your glasses up
To Ridley, to Ridley, to Ridley!

Sing all, with might and main
Of Ridley, of Ridley, of Ridley!
Three times three, and once again
Of Ridley, of Ridley, of Ridley!
Here's to battles fought and won;
Here's to heroes who have gone;
Here's to every worthy one,
Of Ridley, of Ridley, of Ridley!

Young men and women all
From Ridley, from Ridley, from Ridley!
Mem'ries we'll e'er recall
From Ridley, from Ridley, from Ridley!
May we of our lives be proud;
May we face the world unbowed;
Young men and women all
From Ridley, from Ridley, from Ridley!

Pro cibus quos accepturi summus
Deus nos gratos faciat
per Jesum Christum Dominum Nostrum.


Spoken As:

Pro keebeees quos akkeptoori soomus
day-oos nos gratos fakkee-at
per Yaysoom kreestoom dahminoom nahstroom.


For what we are about to receive,
may the Lord make us truly thankful,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


“Father in Heaven”

Father in heaven, who lovest all,
O help thy children when they call,
that they may build from age to age
an undefiled heritage.

Teach us to bear the yoke in youth
with steadfastness and careful truth,
that in our time thy grace may give
the truth whereby the nations live.

Teach us to rule ourselves always,
controlled and cleanly night and day,
that we may bring, if need arise,
no maimed or worthless sacrifice.

Teach us to look in all our ends
on thee for judge and not our friends,
that we with thee may walk uncowed
by fear or favour of the crowd.

Teach us the strength that cannot seek,
by deed or thought, to hurt the weak,
that under thee we may possess
man’s strength to comfort man’s distress.

Teach us delight in simple things,
and mirth that has no bitter springs,
forgiveness free of evil done,
and love to all men ‘neath the sun.


Through the generations, we have placed great emphasis on maintaining our traditions. Our heritage is hugely important to us, and we are passionate about preserving historical artifacts so that they remain in the best possible condition to inspire Ridleians, both past and present.

Ridley’s history is an integrated part of our school and campus life and of the St. Catharines community.

If there’s anything our school’s history has taught us, it’s that these are the moments when fresh, new ideas are born, moments when we, together, rise to the occasion.

extract from Ridley Carries On


We are always adding more items to our dedicated archives on campus and are excited to introduce our new digital archives accessible online by anyone around the world.

Our Acta Ridleianas—the yearbooks which date back to our school’s opening—alongside our carefully stored artifacts and the publication of Ridley: A Canadian School (by former headmaster, Richard A. Bradley and archivist, Paul E. Lewis) are all initiatives that contribute to telling the story of Ridley. This story is now available for alumni to access wherever they are.

Members of our community can request access to the digital archives by contacting our Development team. Free for all to view are issues of Ridley's Tiger magazine and our Annual Reports, which date back to 2014.

Browse Our Magazines & Annual Reports


We share snippets of our history for the wider community to enjoy in a number of forms:


The preservation and digitization of our archives would not be possible without the generosity of our Ridley community. By becoming a member of the Friends of Ridley Archives, you can support us in preserving our school’s past. You can also enable our pursuits to continue by donating funds to the digital archives or donating meaningful items to our physical archives.

To get involved in either of these ways, please contact the Development Office at (905) 684-1889 ext. 2244 or [email protected].


If you have questions about our archives or wish to contribute an artifact, please contact Anna Bright Weber at [email protected].