The health, safety and wellness of everyone in the Ridley community is our highest priority. In this regard, Ridley features a purpose-built medical centre, a team of health professionals, including social and emotional counsellors and a campus security team.
The Schmon Health and Wellness Centre is our purpose-built medical centre designed to keep our community healthy. With thirteen beds, two doctor exam rooms and one nurse exam room, it is well equipped to provide on-site medical care from minor surgical procedures to convalescence care. The Schmon Health and Wellness Centre promotes the prevention of disease and injury and ensures everyone maintains the highest level of wellness physically, psychologically and spiritually.
Located behind the School House, the Health and Wellness Centre is not only a safe place where dignity and confidentiality are built into our model, the Health Centre is treated as an extension of the Houses of Ridley. Our students are welcome to feel at home there, make a snack in the kitchenette and sit and have a conversation with the nurse. It can also serve as a quiet space to study or a place to just be.
A Registered Practical Nurse is on-site during all hours of operation and on-call when the Health Centre is closed. We are partnered with local medical specialists and resources to provide exceptional care to our community. Physicians hold on-site clinics four days a week and are available on-call 24-hours a day. The school physicians and nurses work closely with other school professionals to meet the health, development and educational needs of our students. Our Health Centre professionals also work closely with the Niagara Health System and the St. Catharines hospital, which is located just two kilometres from campus.
All Ridley staff and faculty are trained in CPR and first aid every two years. Defibrillators are located throughout our facilities in case of emergency.
As a pioneer in wellbeing education, Ridley prioritizes student mental health and wellbeing by employing dedicated social and emotional counselling professionals who work in both the Lower School and Upper School.
At the heart of the Ridley experience is our belief in the primacy of human flourishing and development. We inspire Ridleians to be caring, confident and self-actualized young people, prepared to make a difference in the world and in the communities they will lead.
At Ridley, our Lower, Middle and Upper School counselling services are dedicated to ensuring these qualities through our regular classroom lessons, workshops and meetings with individuals, small groups and families.
Our Athletic Therapy Clinic is open to all Ridley community members, Monday through Saturday, for injury prevention, rehabilitation, taping and bracing. For clinical hours, please contact our athletic therapist Lenny Ferraro, BSc., CAT(C) or Director of Athletics David Zanic.
Ridley is a leader in independent school security, with security personnel on campus to ensure the safety of students and staff. Our Security team is composed of three full-time and eight part-time professionals - seven males and four females of varying age and experience. These individuals work on a schedule that allows for 24-hour supervision 365 days a year.
Campus Security is responsible for student safety, emergency management, vehicular traffic and parking operations. They carry out campus patrols, direct traffic, investigate and document on-campus incidents, coordinate lost and found property and are on hand to assist anyone in need.