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Welcome to Ridley Days

At Ridley College, we believe in starting your educational journey on the right foot. Welcome to Ridley Days are the perfect way to kickstart your experience!

Designed to help new students seamlessly transition into our vibrant community, Welcome to Ridley Days are filled with excitement, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. During this immersive event, you'll have the opportunity to meet fellow students, connect with faculty members, explore our beautiful campus, and participate in a wide range of activities tailored to your interests.

Whether you're a boarding or day student, our Welcome to Ridley Days programme is designed to ensure that you feel supported, welcomed, and ready to make the most of your Ridley College experience.

Jump to the information you need most: 

Campus Map

Navigate our campus with ease using our comprehensive campus map, designed to help you explore every corner of our beautiful school grounds.

Lower School & Middle School Schedules

We've curated your first-day experience to ensure you get all the necessary information as you join us on campus this year. We're offering student and parent events on the following dates, so be sure you both review the schedule to ensure you get in on all the fun!

Lower School Schedule

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

New and Returning Boarding Students and Parents Welcome
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Burgoyne House 

All new boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome  

  • Look for the Burgoyne House flag (outside of Lower School red door)
  • Pick up a registration package from boarding team member 


Mandeville Theatre

All new boarding students and parents  Headmaster’s Welcome



All new boarding students and parents  

Families may wish to visit service stations such as:

  • Health Services, Homestays and Long Weekends, Admissions, IT for device set up and much more 
  •  Refreshments available


Burgoyne House 

Burgoyne House (new and returning students)

Move In and Meet Boarding Team   

  • Opportunity to unpack, meet your roommate(s), meet the Head of House and Assistant Head of House


Williams Hall 

All students and parents  Lunch  


Burgoyne House 

All boarding students  

Boarding Immersion Programme

  • Overview of boarding life, safety protocols, etc. 
  • Snacks available


Ross Morrow Theatre

All parents

New Boarding Parent Immersion Programme 

  • Parents to move to various locations to learn more about student supports and student life at Ridley College
  • Refreshments available



All boarding students  

Campus Tours and Trip to Walmart (Optional) 

  • Student-led campus history tours 
  • Shuttle to Walmart – Pick up supplies and purchase additional materials 
  • You may also wish to use this time to unpack 


School House Tents

All parents

Parent Social

  • Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family! 


Great Hall

All boarding students 

Unpacking and Dinner

  • Parents depart before dinner


Front Field/ Burgoyne House

All boarding students House Activities/Unpacking   

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

New and Returning Boarding Students
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Great Hall

All boarding students  Breakfast 


Burgoyne House

All boarding students

Organizing and Unpacking   

  • Students will get organized in their dorm

11:30a.m.- 1:00p.m.

Williams Hall

All boarding students Lunch 


Fieldhouse Circle

All boarding students  

Explore Niagara Programmes

  • Niagara Falls – Clifton Hill


Williams Hall

All boarding studentsDinner



All boarding studentsHouse Meeting

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

New and Returning Day Students and Parents
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Lower School Classrooms and Specialist Spaces

Lower School students and families (Grades JK-6)

*Register for the AM or PM Open House on MS Form

Morning Open House

  • Families are welcome to come to the school and visit their children’s classrooms and meet their teachers
  • Any items for student cubbies (indoor shoes, spare clothing etc.) can be dropped off
  • Casual Dress


Lower School Meighen Courtyard and Playscape

Lower School Students and Families (Grades JK-6)

Lower School Family BBQ 

  • Lower School families are invited to join us for a BBQ lunch in the Courtyard between Open Houses 


Lower School Classrooms and Specialist Spaces

Lower School Students and Families (Grades K-6)

*Register for the AM or PM Open House on MS Form

Afternoon Open House

  • Families are welcome to come to the school and visit their children’s classrooms and meet their teachers
  • Any items for student cubbies (indoor shoes, spare clothing etc.) can be dropped off
  • Casual Dress

Middle School Schedule

Sunday, September 1st, 2024

New and Returning Boarding Students and Parents
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Burgoyne House

All boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome

  • Look for the Burgoyne House flag (outside of Lower School red door)
  • Pick up a registration package from a boarding life member


Mandeville Theatre

All new boarding students and parents

Headmaster’s Welcome

9:45 a.m.-12:15 pm

Griffith Gym

All new boarding students and parents

Families may wish to visit service stations such as:

  • Health Services, Homestays and Long Weekends, Admissions, IT (device set-up) and much more
  • Refreshments available

9:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Burgoyne House

Burgoyne House

All boarding students

Move In and Meet Boarding Team

  • Opportunity to unpack, meet your roommate(s), meet the Head of House and Assistant Head of House


Williams Hall

All students and parents



Burgoyne House

All boarding students

Boarding Immersion Programme

  • Overview of boarding life, safety protocols, etc.
  • Snacks available


Ross Morrow Theatre

All parents

New Boarding Parent Immersion Programme

  • Parents to move to various locations to learn more about student supports and student life at Ridley College
  • Refreshments available



All new boarding students

Campus Tours and Trip to Walmart (Optional)

  • Student-led campus history tours
  • Shuttle to Walmart – pick up supplies and purchase additional materials
  • You may also wish to use this time to unpack


School House Tent

All parents

Parent Social

  • Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family!


Great Hall

All boarding students

Unpacking and Dinner

  • Parents depart before dinner


Front Field/ Burgoyne House

All boarding students

House Activities/Unpacking


Monday, September 2nd, 2024

New and Returning Boarding Students
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Great Hall

All boarding studentsBreakfast


Burgoyne House

All boarding students

Organizing and Unpacking

  • Students will get organized in their dorm


Williams Hall

All boarding studentsLunch


Fieldhouse Circle

All boarding students

Explore Niagara Programmes

  • Niagara Falls — Clifton Hill


Great Hall

All boarding studentsDinner


Burgoyne House

All boarding studentsHouse Meeting


Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

New and Returning Day Students and Parents
TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Great Hall

All boarding students



Mandeville Theatre

Middle School students and families (Grade 7 and 8)


  • Welcome Assembly


Williams Hall

Middle School families (Grades 7 and 8)

  • Students will move to homeroom to begin modified academic schedule

Breakfast Social

  • Continental Breakfast


All students

Modified Academic Schedule


Iggulden Building

All Middle School parents and students 

Iggulden Building Opening Celebration and Tour

  • Refreshments available

Upper School Schedule

Save the Date!

  • New boarding students and parents, join us on Sunday, September 1st, 2024.
  • New day and returning boarding students and parents, join us on Monday, September 2nd, 2024.
  • Returning day students and parents, join us on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Note: We warmly invite our rising Grade 8 students entering the Upper School this school year to join us on the same dates as our other new day and boarding students. 

New boarding students arrive on campus.

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars 


Second Century Building

All new boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome

Prefects and Tiger Ambassadors will direct you to parking areas. Pick up the registration package and name tag by House. Continental breakfast will be served.


Mandeville Theatre

All new boarding students and parents (Upper School and Middle School) and all rising Grade 8sHeadmaster’s Welcome


Griffith Gym

Students and parents in Grades 9 and 12


Families will move to key service stations such as IT for device setup, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, Best Buy Mobile, and more. Refreshments are available.



Students and parents in Grades 10 and 11Move In and Meet Boarding Team


Griffith Gym 

Students and parents in Grades 10 and 11


Families will move to key service stations such as IT for device setup, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, Best Buy Mobile, and more. Refreshments are available.



Students and parents in Grades 9 and 12.Move In and Meet Boarding Team


Great Hall and Williams Hall

All students and parents


Great Hall: Dean’s, Arthur Bishop East and West, Gooderam East and West, Merritt North and South

Williams Hall: Burgoyne, Mandeville, Leonard


Griffith Gym

Late arrivals and incomplete registrantsRegistration Continues


Mandeville Theatre

All Prep Hockey and Prep Basketball parents

Prep Hockey and Prep Basketball Presentation

Parent information session



All new boarding students

Boarding Immersion Programme

Overview of boarding life, safety protocols, etc. 


Ross Morrow Theatre (RMT)

All parents

New Boarding Parent Immersion Programme

Parents to move to various locations to learn more about student support and student life at Ridley College. Refreshments are available.


Mandeville Theatre

All parents (optional for students)

Guidance and Academic Information Session

Overview of guidance and academic counselling services. Information about pathways to University NCAA Sports (optional). 


Griffith Gym

All new boarding students  

Campus Tours and Trip to Walmart

Student-led campus tours. Shuttle to Walmart to pick up supplies and purchase additional materials. 


School House Tent

All parents

Parent Social

Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family! Parents to depart following social. 


Great Hall

All new boarding students

Dinner and House Activities Split

Dinner in Great Hall: Merritt South, Arthur Bishop West and Gooderham West

House Activities: Arthur Bishop East, Gooderham East, Dean’s, Merritt North, Leonard and Mandeville

The switch happens at 6:30p.m. 


Merritt Quad

All new boarding students

Evening Social

Led and organized by our school Prefects

New day and returning boarding students arrive on campus. 

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Second Century Building (2CB)

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome

Prefects and Tiger Ambassadors will direct you to parking areas. Pick up the registration package and name tag by House. Continental breakfast will be served.


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and returning boarding students and parents, including rising Grade 8 day students and parentsHeadmaster's Welcome


School House Rooms 25 and 26

All new ELL learners

ELL Testing

This is only required if listed on your Welcome Checklist.


Griffith Gym

All new day and returning boarding students and parents


Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics and more. Refreshments are available.


Mandeville Theatre  

All new day and new boarding students  

Panel Discussion

Panel will discuss the daily schedule, academic and co-curricular programmes and student life. 


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and new boarding students  

Student Leadership Presentation

The presentation will highlight relationship-building, engagement and games. 

11:30a.m.- 1:00p.m.

Great Hall 

All students and parents   



Griffith Gym

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Registration Continues

Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics and more. Refreshments are available. 


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Guidance and Academic Information Session

Overview of guidance and academic counselling services. Academic planning for Grades 9-12. Information on pathways to University NCCA Sports (optional).


Fieldhouse Circle

All new day and new boarding students 

Explore Niagara Programmes

Grade 9 – Old Fort Erie

Grade 10 – Niagara Falls and Clifton Hill

Grade 11 – Niagara-on-the-Lake and Fort George

Grade 12 – Niagara Falls Power Plant and Tunnels

Learn more about our Explore Niagara Programmes lower on the Welcome to Ridley Days webpage.


Kenyon Lett House

All parents

Parent Social

Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family! Parents to depart following the social.


Great Hall

All students




Led by House Captains

All studentsEvening Social



All studentsHouse Meeting

Returning day students arrive on campus.

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Great Hall

All students and parentsBreakfast


Griffith Gym

Returning day students and parents


Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, TD Bank, Best Buy Mobile and more. Refreshments are available.


Faculty Classroom in School House

Full IB Diploma students who have not submitted a complete draft Extended Essay Bootcamp


School House Rooms 25 and 26

All Grade 9 and 10 students who have studied outside of Ontario and new Grade 11 students who have not written the Placement Test (Outside Ontario)

Math Placement Testing

Only required if listed on your Welcome Checklist or informed by Guidance Counsellor.


Mandeville Theatre

All returning day students and parents of the Class of 2025 and 2026

Guidance Information Session

Look ahead to university applications and how to make the most of your Grade 11 year. University application process for Grade 12 students, including expectations, deadlines and planning. Information on pathways to University NCCA sports (optional).


Ross Morrow Theatre (RMT)

All Grade 9 and 10 students

Belonging Programme

Led by Ms. Covent and student Prefects



All students, advisors and boarding teams

Advisory Introduction Meeting

Students to meet with Heads of House and Advisors in their Houses.


Upper School Circle and Various Locations

All students and advisors

BBQ Lunch: Arthur Bishop East, Merritt North, Leonard, Dean's, Gooderham East

Advisor Meetings: Arthur Bishop West, Merritt South, Mandeville, Gooderham West


Upper School Circle and Various Locations

All students and advisors

BBQ Lunch: Arthur Bishop West, Merritt South, Mandeville, Gooderham West

Advisor Meetings: Arthur Bishop East, Merritt North, Leonard, Dean's, Gooderham East



All studentsHouse Meeting with Faculty Advisors


Griffith Gym

All studentsUpper School Pep Rally


Iggulden Building

All parents

Parent Reception

  • Paterson Performance Hall


Iggulden Building

All studentsIggulden Building Opening and Tour


Fieldhouse Circle

All students

Trip to Walmart

Pick up supplies and purchase additional materials.


Great Hall

All students




All boarding students. Day students welcome.

House Meeting

Sharing camp information, packing list and camp skit/dance.


Great Hall

All students welcome Café




New boarding students arrive on campus.

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars 


Second Century Building

All new boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome

Prefects and Tiger Ambassadors will direct you to parking areas. Pick up the registration package and name tag by House. Continental breakfast will be served.


Mandeville Theatre

All new boarding students and parents (Upper School and Middle School) and all rising Grade 8sHeadmaster’s Welcome


Griffith Gym

Students and parents in Grades 9 and 12


Families will move to key service stations such as IT for device setup, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, Best Buy Mobile, and more. Refreshments are available.



Students and parents in Grades 10 and 11Move In and Meet Boarding Team


Griffith Gym 

Students and parents in Grades 10 and 11


Families will move to key service stations such as IT for device setup, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, Best Buy Mobile, and more. Refreshments are available.



Students and parents in Grades 9 and 12.Move In and Meet Boarding Team


Great Hall and Williams Hall

All students and parents


Great Hall: Dean’s, Arthur Bishop East and West, Gooderam East and West, Merritt North and South

Williams Hall: Burgoyne, Mandeville, Leonard


Griffith Gym

Late arrivals and incomplete registrantsRegistration Continues


Mandeville Theatre

All Prep Hockey and Prep Basketball parents

Prep Hockey and Prep Basketball Presentation

Parent information session



All new boarding students

Boarding Immersion Programme

Overview of boarding life, safety protocols, etc. 


Ross Morrow Theatre (RMT)

All parents

New Boarding Parent Immersion Programme

Parents to move to various locations to learn more about student support and student life at Ridley College. Refreshments are available.


Mandeville Theatre

All parents (optional for students)

Guidance and Academic Information Session

Overview of guidance and academic counselling services. Information about pathways to University NCAA Sports (optional). 


Griffith Gym

All new boarding students  

Campus Tours and Trip to Walmart

Student-led campus tours. Shuttle to Walmart to pick up supplies and purchase additional materials. 


School House Tent

All parents

Parent Social

Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family! Parents to depart following social. 


Great Hall

All new boarding students

Dinner and House Activities Split

Dinner in Great Hall: Merritt South, Arthur Bishop West and Gooderham West

House Activities: Arthur Bishop East, Gooderham East, Dean’s, Merritt North, Leonard and Mandeville

The switch happens at 6:30p.m. 


Merritt Quad

All new boarding students

Evening Social

Led and organized by our school Prefects

New day and returning boarding students arrive on campus. 

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Second Century Building (2CB)

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Arrival and Welcome

Prefects and Tiger Ambassadors will direct you to parking areas. Pick up the registration package and name tag by House. Continental breakfast will be served.


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and returning boarding students and parents, including rising Grade 8 day students and parentsHeadmaster's Welcome


School House Rooms 25 and 26

All new ELL learners

ELL Testing

This is only required if listed on your Welcome Checklist.


Griffith Gym

All new day and returning boarding students and parents


Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics and more. Refreshments are available.


Mandeville Theatre  

All new day and new boarding students  

Panel Discussion

Panel will discuss the daily schedule, academic and co-curricular programmes and student life. 


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and new boarding students  

Student Leadership Presentation

The presentation will highlight relationship-building, engagement and games. 

11:30a.m.- 1:00p.m.

Great Hall 

All students and parents   



Griffith Gym

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Registration Continues

Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics and more. Refreshments are available. 


Mandeville Theatre

All new day and returning boarding students and parents

Guidance and Academic Information Session

Overview of guidance and academic counselling services. Academic planning for Grades 9-12. Information on pathways to University NCCA Sports (optional).


Fieldhouse Circle

All new day and new boarding students 

Explore Niagara Programmes

Grade 9 – Old Fort Erie

Grade 10 – Niagara Falls and Clifton Hill

Grade 11 – Niagara-on-the-Lake and Fort George

Grade 12 – Niagara Falls Power Plant and Tunnels

Learn more about our Explore Niagara Programmes lower on the Welcome to Ridley Days webpage.


Kenyon Lett House

All parents

Parent Social

Hosted by the Headmaster and Mrs. Kidd. This is an opportunity to relax and meet the Ridley family! Parents to depart following the social.


Great Hall

All students




Led by House Captains

All studentsEvening Social



All studentsHouse Meeting

Returning day students arrive on campus.

TimeWhoEvents and Particulars


Great Hall

All students and parentsBreakfast


Griffith Gym

Returning day students and parents


Families to move to key service stations such as IT for device set up, guidance, admissions, health services, arts and athletics, TD Bank, Best Buy Mobile and more. Refreshments are available.


Faculty Classroom in School House

Full IB Diploma students who have not submitted a complete draft Extended Essay Bootcamp


School House Rooms 25 and 26

All Grade 9 and 10 students who have studied outside of Ontario and new Grade 11 students who have not written the Placement Test (Outside Ontario)

Math Placement Testing

Only required if listed on your Welcome Checklist or informed by Guidance Counsellor.


Mandeville Theatre

All returning day students and parents of the Class of 2025 and 2026

Guidance Information Session

Look ahead to university applications and how to make the most of your Grade 11 year. University application process for Grade 12 students, including expectations, deadlines and planning. Information on pathways to University NCCA sports (optional).


Ross Morrow Theatre (RMT)

All Grade 9 and 10 students

Belonging Programme

Led by Ms. Covent and student Prefects



All students, advisors and boarding teams

Advisory Introduction Meeting

Students to meet with Heads of House and Advisors in their Houses.


Upper School Circle and Various Locations

All students and advisors

BBQ Lunch: Arthur Bishop East, Merritt North, Leonard, Dean's, Gooderham East

Advisor Meetings: Arthur Bishop West, Merritt South, Mandeville, Gooderham West


Upper School Circle and Various Locations

All students and advisors

BBQ Lunch: Arthur Bishop West, Merritt South, Mandeville, Gooderham West

Advisor Meetings: Arthur Bishop East, Merritt North, Leonard, Dean's, Gooderham East



All studentsHouse Meeting with Faculty Advisors


Griffith Gym

All studentsUpper School Pep Rally


Iggulden Building

All parents

Parent Reception

  • Paterson Performance Hall


Iggulden Building

All studentsIggulden Building Opening and Tour


Fieldhouse Circle

All students

Trip to Walmart

Pick up supplies and purchase additional materials.


Great Hall

All students




All boarding students. Day students welcome.

House Meeting

Sharing camp information, packing list and camp skit/dance.


Great Hall

All students welcome Café




Explore Niagara Programmes

On Monday, September 2nd, our new day and boarding students will take part in one of our four trips exploring the Niagara Region. Learn more about each of our trips below.

Grade 9 Students

Step back in time at Old Fort Erie as our Grade 9 students experience a captivating War of 1812 National Historic Site. As you explore the grounds, immerse yourself in heart-pounding sights and sounds—the echoes of musket fire, the tension of a fort under siege, and the camaraderie of soldiers from different backgrounds.

What to Expect:

  • Engage with knowledgeable guides who bring history to life. Discover the fort’s secrets, from its strategic importance to the daily lives of those who defended it.
  • Witness the precision and power of muskets as skilled reenactors showcase their marksmanship.
  • Join British, American and First Nations soldiers on guided tours. Learn about their experiences, alliances and the impact of this historic conflict on Niagara.


Grade 10 Students

Prepare for an unforgettable adventure as our Grade 10 students embark on an exciting trip to Niagara Falls! This trip promises a perfect blend of natural beauty, history and fun.

Our journey begins at the iconic Table Rock Centre, a cornerstone of the Niagara Falls experience for decades. Recently transformed, this historical building now boasts bright and spacious interiors with stunning new architectural features. Students will have the opportunity to explore the new Table Rock Market, offering a variety of fast casual food options, and enjoy two levels of shopping at the Table Rock Shop. The revamped guest amenities, including a spectacular new entrance into Journey Behind the Falls, ensure a memorable visit.

After exploring Table Rock Centre, we’ll head to Clifton Hill. Students can look forward to a vibrant atmosphere filled with attractions, entertainment and dining options. Clifton Hill offers something for everyone, from arcades and mini-golf to the famous Niagara SkyWheel.

Grade 11 Students

Join us for an unforgettable journey into history and charm as our Grade 11 students embark on a field trip to two remarkable destinations: Fort George National Historic Site and the picturesque town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.

Step back in time to the War of 1812 at Fort George, where soldiers in redcoats fire muskets and the sounds of music drift past blockhouses, a historic powder magazine and cannons on the lookout. This military post played a crucial role in defending Upper Canada against American attacks. Students will have the opportunity to explore the fort’s rich history, witness live demonstrations and immerse themselves in the life of a soldier from the early 19th century.

After our historical adventure, we’ll head to the charming town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, known by locals as NOTL. Nestled in the corner of the Niagara Region just beyond Niagara Falls, this picturesque village epitomizes old-town charm. With arbour-framed streets and lush boulevard gardens, students can wander through the Heritage District, discovering whimsical boutiques, enthralling antique shops and delightful bistros. It’s the perfect place to relax and soak in the beauty of a historic town.

Grade 12 Students

Join us for an unforgettable educational adventure as our Grade 12 students visit the historic Niagara Parks Power Station and Tunnel! This trip offers a unique opportunity to explore one of Canada’s most iconic engineering marvels.

Highlights of the Trip:

  • Discover the fascinating stories behind the first major power plant on the Canadian side of the Niagara River. From towering turbines to intricate details, students will uncover this remarkable site's rich history and technological advancements.
  • Experience the thrill of descending 180 feet in a glass-panelled elevator, offering stunning views as you make your way down to the tunnel.
  • Walk through the 2,200-foot-long tunnel that leads to an observation deck at the river’s edge. This immersive journey provides a unique perspective on the power station’s inner workings and role in harnessing the mighty Niagara River.
  • Engage with immersive exhibits and restored artifacts that bring the power station's history to life. Interactive storytelling will captivate students and provide a deeper understanding of the site’s significance.
  • As the sun sets, witness the once-dormant power station come to life in a breathtaking, interactive experience. This nighttime event promises to be a highlight of the trip, leaving students with lasting memories.

Camp Schedule 

Following Welcome to Ridley Days, our Middle School and Upper School depart for camp, where they will enjoy a wealth of shared outdoor activities designed to help build and rekindle relationships and develop a sense of belonging.

Our Grade 12 students will enjoy an extended camp experience at our annual Senior Retreat, which focuses on leadership, collaboration, relationship building, and communication to prepare students for future leadership and the year ahead.

  • Grade 7-8 students will travel to Muskoka Woods on September 4th
  • Grade 9-12 Boys will travel to Camp Onondaga on September 4th
  • Grade 9-12 Girls will travel to Camp White Pine on September 4th 
  • Grade 7-11 students will return to campus on September 6th
  • All Grade 12 students (Boys and Girls) will travel to Muskoka Woods on September 6th for our annual Senior Retreat and will return to campus on September 7th

Middle School Packing List
Upper School Packing List - Boys
Upper School Packing List - Girls

More details about camp will be provided in the coming weeks.